First of all I would like to express many thanks to all the stakeholders for your generous support even during the most difficult times we as the new venture company had encountered in the past since we, Mr.Inagaki, the founder and former president of Renatech and fellow team members with strong entrepreneurial spirit gathered to serve our society better, spun-out from a semi-conductor related facility manufacturer. Without your understanding and continuous support, we would not be able to reach where we are standing today.
In addition to our main stream of business of “photocatalytic technology” and “semi-conductor related business”, we are determined to take on a challenge a difficult mission of developing new business models to by having our visions and sights firmly fixed on 5 years and 10 years down the road.
One of the new business models we are developing is the “cancer screening”, which are currently undergoing final clinical verification process, and another business model is the “photocatalytic system rental/leasing” which is also in final phase of trial in the market.
Those two business models might not have direct relation between them; however, those technologies definitely contribute to provide some answers and solution to the topics which have been highlighted as great public interest in recent years. We also conducted intensive study in the market and developing products and solutions to make them affordable for everyone. This is our philosophy to serve our community and society best.
We are also proactively promoting and opening opportunities for the working women in this yet relatively closed Japanese society so they would have cut conspicuous figures by actively participating to our businesses.
We are facing touch competitions with major/giant corporation in all those abovementioned business segments but we would continue to glow together with our valued stakeholders to become true “business in the community” by utilizing our strengths build solid as venture company spirit and with our expertise to satisfy the market needs in timely manner, so your continuous support and advice and participation would be greatly appreciated.
Lastly, we are very proud to announce that Renatech have been appointed by Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry as “2016 strategic infrastructure technology advancement support project partner” which will entitled us with three years of government funded sponsorship which will enhance verification process of our cancer screening business with our valued partner organizations such as Chiba Cancer Center and Kanagawa Cancer Center to ensure all members of our society would benefit from this project. Please do not miss out this great venture together.
Thank you.
November 1, 2016
Katsura Kato
Managing Director or Renatech